Effortless Distribution
Game-changing Feedback

Built For
No calls. No ads. No selling your data ❤️
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Trusted by 50,000+ teams, agencies and freelancers

TestApp.io Cycle

TestApp.io full cycle - Distribution and feedback in one place

Built for Developers

Streamlines your workflow, integrating testing seamlessly into development. Harness analytics for user insights and effortlessly connect with your preferred tools, optimizing your coding process.

Built for Developers

Built for QA Engineers

Centralize user testing efforts across Android and iOS, collaborate directly with developers, and swiftly resolve issues, ensuring top-tier app quality with every release.

Built for QA Engineers

Built for Testers

Testing is hassle-free. Access apps easily, provide feedback effectively using intuitive tools, and engage with a global community, elevating your testing experience and impact.

TestApp.io mobile app for both Android & iOS

Built for Founders

Speed up time-to-market, leverage actionable analytics for growth, and ensure consistent quality, positioning your product at the forefront of the market.

Built for Founders

Built for Project Managers

Foster team alignment, track milestones efficiently, and ensure timely deliverables, driving project success from inception to deployment.

Built for Project Managers

Make better apps

TestApp.io is your go-to platform for making sure your mobile apps work like they should. Whether you're launching a game, a shopping app, or any other mobile experience for Android or iOS, we're here to make the process easy and stress-free.

Built for Developers, QA engineers, Testers, Founders and Project Managers
Apps for iOS & Android

One release at a time

Streamline the testing process for your Android and iOS apps in no time at all, and there's no need to learn any new code.


Sessions (in-app feedback)

Capture useful insights and tester feedback
Sessions on TestApp.io begin with app launch, capturing essential data to enhance app development, and allow monitoring of events and errors with recordings, screenshots, and detailed device, network, and RAM/CPU data, facilitating effective feedback from testers for app improvements
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Share your app with anyone for testing and feedback
Get feedback from clients, beta testers, and team members
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Connect your team with your favorite tools
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Frequently Asked Questions

What is TestApp.io?

TestApp.io is a powerful, easy-to-use platform that enables mobile app teams to test and release their apps smoothly, quickly, and reliably.

It streamlines the process of testing and releasing mobile apps, allowing teams to easily share, collect feedback, test and manage app releases for both Android & iOS in one place.

With TestApp.io, developers, QA engineers, and external testers can work together in one platform, increasing visibility and reducing the need for multiple platforms or tools.

It is designed to be easy to use, even for those with limited technical knowledge. It offers a range of features such as in-app feedback, SDK for analytics and user behavior, customizable install pages, and easy integrations with popular project management and communication platforms.

What are the benefits of using TestApp.io?

  • Seamless testing and releases for both Android and iOS apps
  • Improved collaboration between developers, QA engineers, and external testers
  • Effortless testing and coordination, saving teams valuable time and resources
  • Customizable install pages for personalized user engagement
  • SDK for analytics and user behavior and feedback
  • Easy integrations with popular project management and communication platforms
  • User-friendly interface, even for those with limited technical knowledge
  • Support through emails, chat help, and a Slack public community.

How do I use TestApp.io?

Using TestApp.io is straightforward.

You can start by signing up for an account on our website and then follow these steps:

  1. Create a new app and invite your team members.
  2. Upload your app binary and create a new release.
  3. Share the release with your testers and collect their feedback.
  4. Use our SDK for in-app feedback and analytics.
  5. Integrate with popular project management and communication platforms.

Our platform is designed to be user-friendly and easy to navigate, even for those with limited technical knowledge. We also offer support through emails, chat, and a Slack public community to assist you.

Can I use TestApp.io for both Android and iOS apps?

Yes, TestApp.io supports both Android and iOS apps, allowing teams to easily manage testing and releases for both platforms in one place.

How is this different than other similar platforms?

TestApp.io is a comprehensive mobile app distribution and testing platform that stands out from competitors like TestFlight, Firebase, AppCenter, and Diawi by offering a solution for Android and iOS in one platform, making the testing and feedback process more streamlined and efficient.

Additionally, we offer unique features such as in-app feedback, public install links, and robust integration, which are not available in other solutions.

With our focus on user experience and ease of use, we have a competitive advantage in the market.

Our goal is to continue to innovate and improve our platform to meet the evolving needs of mobile app teams.

Is my data secure on TestApp.io?

Yes, your data is secure on TestApp.io.

We take data security very seriously and use a variety of measures to protect your data, including encryption, secure servers, and restricted access to sensitive data.

We also regularly update our security protocols to ensure your data remains safe.

If you have any concerns, please get in touch with our support team for more information.

Am I the product?

Absolutely not! 🌟

There are platforms out there that offer complimentary features and then profit off of your personal information covertly. We're not one of them. At TestApp.io, our vision is to offer top-notch and user-friendly developer tools that not only make your life easier but also prioritize your data security.

Opting for our Starter or Pro version does give us a boost, and we're genuinely grateful for it. However, if you only wish to utilize our basic version occasionally for your testing needs, we're all for it.

TestApp.io vs Diawi
With TestApp.io, you can get feedback by sharing your app with an unlimited number of public testers with a public link and a fully customizable app install page on TestApp.io

With the detailed analytics about your testers geolocations, device type, system version,... you will debug issues much faster
Multiple teams and projects
Android & iOS apps in one platform
Share your app releases with everyone
Notify about new releases
Get early feedback from testers
Automate your releases with our CLI


Your data is sensitive.
TestApp.io enterprise suite can be installed on any private cloud or self-hosted

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