Share your app
with anyone for feedback

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App distribution cycle

Get feedback from clients, beta testers, and team members

Built for Teams

Maintaining open lines of communication between the development, quality assurance, and testing teams is essential for a successful product launch.
Get feedback from anyone, anywhere, at any time

Upload BETA Releases

Upload both Android and iOS in one shot with ease.
Automate your deployments by connecting with your favorite CI/CD tool using our CLI.
Get feedback from anyone, anywhere, at any time

Instant Alerts

Keeping your team informed about:

> New releases
> Comments
> Feedback
> And more...

A platform that keeps you in the loop.
Instant notifications
Combine app distribution and feedback into one platform, streamlining your testing and development process


This time-saving feature streamlines app testing for both technical and non-technical team members, eliminating manual UDID extraction and third-party tool reliance.

Tap & Test

Our app makes it easier for non-technical team members to install various versions.

Let us handle the device cleanups and keep you informed about which version your testers installed.
Install app releases

Automate Deployments

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Explore 12+ integrations ->

Frequently Asked Questions

What is and why should I use it for app distribution? is a platform designed to simplify the process of sharing and distributing apps to testers and stakeholders. By using, you can easily send out your app, track versions, and receive feedback all in one place, making the testing phase more efficient and organized.

Can I automate app distribution to specific groups of testers?

Yes, with the CLI and 12+ integrations, you can define and target specific groups of testers, ensuring that the right versions of your app reach the intended audience. This is particularly useful for phased rollouts or A/B testing scenarios.

Is secure for distributing my app?

Absolutely! prioritizes the security of your app and data. The platform uses advanced encryption and security protocols to ensure that your app is only accessible to authorized testers and stakeholders.

Can I distribute both iOS and Android apps using

Yes, supports distribution for both iOS and Android platforms. The platform is designed to be versatile, catering to the diverse needs of app developers across different operating systems.

How to get UDID?

Follow the instructions here: vs Diawi
With, you can get feedback by sharing your app with an unlimited number of public testers with a public link and a fully customizable app install page on

With the detailed analytics about your testers geolocations, device type, system version,... you will debug issues much faster
Multiple teams and projects
Android & iOS apps in one platform
Share your app releases with everyone
Notify about new releases
Get early feedback from testers
Automate your releases with our CLI


Your data is sensitive. enterprise suite can be installed on any private cloud or self-hosted

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