TestApp.io on a mission to make better apps
On a mission to make better apps
One release at a time

Remote team

At TestApp.io, we are passionate about making mobile app testing and distribution as seamless and efficient as possible.

Our platform offers a comprehensive solution for both Android and iOS apps, making collaboration between developers, QA engineers, and external testers easier than ever.

With features such as in-app feedback, public install links, and robust integrations, we aim to streamline the mobile app testing process and help teams save time and resources.

Our team is made up of experienced developers and QA engineers who understand the challenges of mobile app testing and distribution. We are constantly working to improve our platform and add new features to meet the evolving needs of mobile app teams.

At TestApp.io, we believe that testing and feedback should be an integral part of the mobile app development process, and we are dedicated to providing a user-friendly and reliable platform that makes this process as smooth as possible.

Thank you for choosing TestApp.io

We look forward to helping you streamline your mobile app testing and distribution.

TestApp.io vs Diawi
With TestApp.io, you can get feedback by sharing your app with an unlimited number of public testers with a public link and a fully customizable app install page on TestApp.io

With the detailed analytics about your testers geolocations, device type, system version,... you will debug issues much faster
Multiple teams and projects
Android & iOS apps in one platform
Share your app releases with everyone
Notify about new releases
Get early feedback from testers
Automate your releases with our CLI


Your data is sensitive.
TestApp.io enterprise suite can be installed on any private cloud or self-hosted

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