Get my UDID

QR code
Scan this from your iPhone or iPad

or open

from your Safari browser in your iPhone or iPad
Scan the QR code from your iPhone or iPad to get redirected to Download the config profile into your phone.
You will be asked to download a config profile that can be found in

Settings → General → Profiles
Tap on install to share your device UDID with or your mobile app developers.

Frequently Asked Questions

More Questions

What is a UDID?

A UDID is an acronym used for Unique Device ID. It is a feature of Apple iPhones and their other devices. Each individual Apple device has their own ID that is being fetched by Apple servers.

Why do I need to share it?

When testing a new mobile application on an Apple device we need a UDID from the iPhone, iPad or iPod. So, in order for you to be able to test your new application on your own phone or tablet, you will need to provide us with the UDIDs from your personal devices.

Need help with anything?

We're here to help with any questions you have.
[email protected] vs Diawi
With, you can get feedback by sharing your app with an unlimited number of public testers with a public link and a fully customizable app install page on

With the detailed analytics about your testers geolocations, device type, system version,... you will debug issues much faster
Multiple teams and projects
Android & iOS apps in one platform
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Automate your releases with our CLI


Your data is sensitive. enterprise suite can be installed on any private cloud or self-hosted

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